During the period of the 2022-2025business plan, we will...
- Work with partners to scope and design an upgraded regional evidence base, considering its effective application and utilisation.
- Develop and roll out the new evidence base, including prioritising resources to test and improve it.
- Strengthen the quality of data, working with government departments, Environment Agency, National Highways, Network Rail, EEH Bus Operators Association and Active Travel England to explore opportunities to create a single databank – accessible by all public sector partners, and others by agreement.
- Ensure the evidence captures and strengthens our knowledge of freight as well as passenger data.
- Incorporate outputs from ongoing technical work, such as the decarbonisation playbook.
- Ensure the database is fit for purpose to support development of the strategic case for early stage business cases.
- Review of the population segmentation tool, including its scale and granularity, particularly in the context of improved access to stations and planning for mobility hubs.