Tools and guidance

The engine sitting behind our transport strategy and priorities for investment is a comprehensive regional evidence base.

Since it was established in 2016, EEH has developed comprehensive evidence base on behalf of the region, which will continue to inform our work as we identify and prioritise the investment required for the region to support sustainable growth while decarbonising the transport system.

The evidence base is always available to our partners (both within the region and nationally) ensuring that EEH, its partners and indeed government are working from a consistent evidence base line for the Heartland. By making the evidence base freely available to partners, including government, it’s been possible to avoid spending time and money on re-establishing the base line at the start of individual pieces of technical work.

EEH has made it a key requirement that the database and models comprising the regional evidence base can be used without the need for specialist knowledge or skills, further enhancing their added value.

The evidence base is available for free to all our member authorities – it is frequently used by local authority colleagues in scheme planning and the preparation of funding bids. We are also happy to share to wider partners, in order to ensure a consistent approach and cut duplication

In the period covered by the 2022-2025 business plan, the regional evidence base will be upgraded to reflect both user feedback and to make the most of advances in the way data is gathered and presented. It will provide an even more powerful tool which allows the region to make a compelling case for investment in the right infrastructure in the right places.

EEH will also ensure monitoring progress on implementing the transport strategy is embedded within the new evidence base. The data will continue to be presented in a format that is accessible and user friendly.

During the period of the 2022-2025business plan, we will...

  • Work with partners to scope and design an upgraded regional evidence base, considering its effective application and utilisation.
  • Develop and roll out the new evidence base, including prioritising resources to test and improve it.
  • Strengthen the quality of data, working with government departments, Environment Agency, National Highways, Network Rail, EEH Bus Operators Association and Active Travel England to explore opportunities to create a single databank – accessible by all public sector partners, and others by agreement.
  • Ensure the evidence captures and strengthens our knowledge of freight as well as passenger data.
  • Incorporate outputs from ongoing technical work, such as the decarbonisation playbook.
  • Ensure the database is fit for purpose to support development of the strategic case for early stage business cases.
  • Review of the population segmentation tool, including its scale and granularity, particularly in the context of improved access to stations and planning for mobility hubs.