Whether it be peer reviewing plans, creating tools to give greater understanding of places, or establishing forums to share best practice, delivering added value to our partners and the region is a central part of our work.
Our annual review 2022/23 includes more information on the support we provide authorities.
EEH continues to update and maintain a comprehensive evidence base on behalf of the region. The evidence …
A fundamental role of EEH is to advise government on the investment priorities which will support our economic and net zero ambitions.
Our multimodal studies identify potential interventions to improve the transport system across a number of strategic corridors. See our dedicated connectivity studies webpage.
Work is nearing completion on a 'matrix' tool which will enable interventions to be identified based on various criteria. It will …
EEH is working with partners to realise an integrated and joined-up transport system, which maximises opportunities to increase sustainable travel uptake.
A key area of focus for EEH is helping our authorities stem the decline in patronage for bus travel, particularly in less populated areas.
In partnership with Transport for the South East and Transport East, we organised workshops led by industry experts for transport officers to gain invaluable …
Supporting the ambitions of the government’s transport decarbonisation plan is a key area of work for EEH.
Our approach champions an understanding of a place – its size, location, geography, existing transport network and demographics – and to develop the pathways best suited for its own unique characteristics.
Quantifiable carbon reductions: During 2023/24 we will be supporting partners quantify the impact of their updated local transport plans on reducing carbon …
The connectivity studies are an important part of EEH’s work programme, developing an evidence base that shows what the most effective connectivity solutions are for key corridors across the region. The evidence captured will be used to shape investment proposals going forward, through EEH or in support of individual local authorities’ priorities. The studies are guided by the policies set out in the EEH transport strategy and steered by our …
England's Economic Heartland ensures that the position and priorities of the region are understood by responding to relevant consultations and calls for evidence.