Responding to publication of Sir Peter Hendy's Union Connectivity Review, Cllr Richard Wenham, Chair of England’s Economic Heartland, said: “We welcome recognition of the economic contribution of the towns and cities within the “Fast Growth Cities Group”, five of which – Peterborough, Cambridge, Milton Keynes, Oxford and Swindon – are in the Heartland. The sixth, Norwich, is a key link to the east of the region. It reflects the Heartland’s role as net contributor to the economy and, moreover, our potential to further contribute to the UK as a whole.
East West Rail between Oxford and Cambridge, and the wider ambition to use this to create an ‘East West Main Line’ from Norwich and Ipswich through to Swindon, Bristol and South Wales, will transform connectivity between all these places, unlocking new opportunities for economic growth and playing a key role in the UK strategic transport network.”