Report highlights opportunities from smart junctions

March 12th 2025

Smart junction technology can optimise traffic flow, prioritise sustainable travel modes, and improve safety through enhanced detection capabilities.

During 2024 EEH conducted an initial strategic and high-level review of the benefits and opportunities of smart junction technology in the region, with a focus on priority corridors and existing signalised junctions.

The study, available in interim form considers vehicular demand, including for HGVs, congestion, key bus routes and collisions across a number of the corridors used for our connectivity studies. It identifies initial urban areas that could most immediately benefit from smart junction technology, based on the number of signalised junctions, air quality and active mode collisions.

EEH will continue to investigate opportunities to support and develop further work on data integration that enables better understanding and operation of the region’s transport networks. This includes the investigation of options to ‘model’ the likely benefits of cross boundary corridor traffic signal coordination.

We will also continue to highlight this opportunity to DfT officials – particularly in light of the Intelligent Traffic Management Fund (ITMF) funding being withdrawn in late 2024.

EEH plans to update the study to include the additional connectivity study outputs, though the key outcomes and action points will likely remain consistent with the interim report.