England’s Economic Heartland’s governance structure has been strengthened following a review by the leaders of our local authority partners.
Our two political-level meetings – the Strategic Transport Forum and EEH Leaders Group meeting – have now been consolidated into a single meeting, provisionally titled the ‘Strategic Transport Leadership Board’.
The Board will be held in public on a quarterly basis (as a minimum).
It will first meet on Friday, September 24, when its Chair and Vice-Chair will be elected.
The new Board, supported by the EEH business unit led by interim director Naomi Green, will continue to ensure our focus on driving outcomes and delivering investment for the benefit of the region. Going forward we will continue to ensure that:
- EEH complements the powers, responsibilities and accountabilities of its partners. Collaboration is fundamental to our approach, allowing us to speak with one voice on issues of genuine strategic interest
- EEH’s approach continues to consider strategic infrastructure in the round, including digital connectivity and energy systems
- that all the tools and technical work undertaken by EEH is made freely available to all partners for their own use.
As per the legislative framework under which sub-national transport bodies are established, the members of EEH are its relevant transport authorities, specifically county councils, unitary councils and the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority.
EEH’s business unit has now invited each partner authority to submit their nomination for the new Board.
In addition to core Board members, sub-regional groupings, such as growth boards and national and regional infrastructure and delivery organisations, will also participate on the Board as associate members and observers.