EEH submits Spending Review 2025 priorities to Treasury

February 11th 2025

Key transport improvements needed to support Government’s priority ‘Oxford-Cambridge Growth Corridor’ have been set out in England’s Economic Heartland’s submission to the Spending Review call for evidence.

Enhanced connectivity is a key enabler for the region realising its economic growth potential. A core theme of our submission is to build upon and maximise the value of existing investment in the region to unlock an integrated, better connected transport system for both people and goods.

This includes:

Maximising the benefits of East West Rail: ensuring East West Rail is integrated into the wider transport system and delivering the best possible economic, social and environmental outcomes for the region. This includes door-to-door connectivity to stations and installing digital and active travel (‘Varsity Way’) infrastructure. There are opportunities to improve rail connectivity further, including delivery of the Northampton-Old Oak Common corridor (including the Aylesbury-Milton Keynes link, see brochure) and services from Oxford to Bristol (see brochure).

Upgrading Ely Junction: Transforming the way goods are transported from Felixstowe to the Midlands and North, removing 100,000 lorries from the road network (see brochure).

Bus and mass rapid transit funding: Enabling a regional bus network, including integration into East West Rail. Funding to progress MRT schemes within the region.

Progressing interventions in the Oxford-Cambridge Roads Connectivity Study alongside Road Investment Strategy (RIS) and Major Road Network (MRN) priorities.

Appropriate levels of local transport funding for local authorities during the transition to strategic authorities; and to enable EEH to continue its work on behalf of the region.

Over the coming weeks and months EEH will be making the strongest possible case to Government for these priorities to receive funding which allows them to be progressed within the Spending Review period.