Latest News and Events

  • Response to Central Section route options announcement

    The East West Railway Company has today announced five route options to link Bedford with Cambridge (

    Mayor Dave Hodgson, Chair of England's Economic Heartland's Strategic Transport Forum: "East West Rail is a fundamental part of the infrastructure required to enable economic growth in the Heartland, by transforming the travel choices available for individuals and businesses while achieving net gain for our environment.

    "I welcome this announcement as …

    February 28th 2019
  • ANTONY SWIFT BLOG: Best time of my career is also the most uncomfortable

    A previous mentor once said to me, 'you're not learning if you're comfortable' – when I reflect on the last six months with England's Economic Heartland (EEH), this theory feels particularly apt.

    Balancing my professional career with academic studies has taken me way beyond my normal level of comfort – but I wouldn't want it any other way.

    In September, I enrolled on a part time Transport Planning and Management …

    February 22nd 2019
  • EEH welcomes A428 route announcement

    Highways England has today announced its preferred route for improvements to the A428 between the Black Cat roundabout and Caxton Gibbet.

    Mayor Dave Hodgson, Chair of England's Economic Heartland's Strategic Transport Forum, said: "We welcome this announcement – improving the Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet is a key priority for the Heartland. This work is crucial for realising the Heartland's economic potential, supporting the ambitions of Local Plans and for …

    February 18th 2019
  • MARTIN TUGWELL BLOG: East West Rail - the challenge and the opportunity

    I recently had the opportunity to address the Public Inquiry into the next stage of the East West Rail project.

    Having personally been involved in this project for nearly 20 years it's great to see progress being made in securing the powers necessary to begin work on linking Bicester with Bletchley/Milton Keynes and beyond to Bedford, along with the restoration of the connection to/from Aylesbury. 

    The opening of the first …

    February 15th 2019
  • Firm wins national award for EEH work

    A Milton Keynes-based start-up ​has won a national award for its work with England's Economic Heartland.

    Immense Simulations won the Smart Cities UK Transport Award for its development of a prototype policy decision support tool, enabling a strategic and accessible approach to transport modelling at a large scale.

    Martin Tugwell, Programme Director at EEH, said: "Growth in our region is truly transformational in nature, requiring an approach which eschews the …

    February 8th 2019
  • "Sub-national Transport Bodies should play key role in Rail Review"

    Sub-national transport bodies (STBs) should play a key role in informing the Rail Review, according to England's Economic Heartland.

    As the call for evidence launched earlier this month, the STB for the Oxford-Milton Keynes-Cambridge growth corridor and surrounding areas said it was disappointed that a representative from the region is not included on the review panel, given Government has made delivering economic growth in the region a national priority.

    On …

    December 20th 2018
  • ANTONY SWIFT BLOG: Plenty to reflect on after major players attend freight workshop

    This December has seen me spending time with major high street retailers, supermarkets and businesses – only I wasn't buying any Christmas shopping.

    Wednesday, December 5 marked the first major piece of engagement for England's Economic Heartland's Freight Study.

    In recognition of the critical role the freight and logistics sector plays in the Heartland's economy,we invited around 30 major players to a workshop in Milton Keynes to share their thoughts …

    December 19th 2018
  • Major Road Network guidance: EEH response

    Responding to the Government guidance regarding the Major Road Network, Mayor Dave Hodgson, chair of England's Economic Heartland's Strategic Transport Forum, said: "There is much in this announcement to welcome, including the role that sub-national transport bodies such as England's Economic Heartland will play in setting out regional investment priorities.

    "Our work on the MRN investment pipeline is already underway and will be a key part of our draft Transport …

    December 18th 2018
  • MARTIN TUGWELL BLOG Expressway: Is the approach fit for purpose?

    Realising the Heartland's economic potential will need investment in our road network. 

    But what kind of investment should we be making if we are also looking to achieve environmental net gain?

    This question comes into focus when considering the proposed new road linking west of Oxford to Milton Keynes as part of the Oxford to Cambridge expressway.  Because whilst there is no dispute about the need for improved east-west connectivity, …

    December 17th 2018
  • NAOMI GREEN BLOG: Our Transport Strategy must be flexible to avoid going back to the future

    In 1985, the film 'Back to the Future' imagined life in 2015.  Thirty years later, some predictions turned out to be accurate: automation of services; the use of biometrics; and virtual reality eyewear. However, our skies aren't full of flying cars and the uptake of hoverboards hasn't been quite so widespread.

    Clearly, trying to predict the future is filled with challenges. Yet in the world of strategic infrastructure planning, it …

    December 14th 2018