Latest News and Events

  • Universities collaboration signposts pathways to decarbonisation

    As part of the evidence base for Draft Transport Strategy, EEH commissioned the universities of Oxford and Southampton to show how net zero transport emissions from transport can be achieved no later than 2050.

    Pathways to Decarbonisation maps the EEH road and rail transport network and uses advanced modelling to demonstrate a variety of 'pathways' EEH could take to achieve a net zero carbon transport system by 2050. 

    The …

    August 5th 2020
  • BLOG: Why we've chosen two pathways to decarbonisation

    One of the main ambitions set out in EEH’s Draft Transport Strategy is for the region’s transport system to be ‘net-zero carbon’ by 2050 at the latest.

    This implies a substantial change in the vehicle fleet towards zero-emission vehicles, coupled with technological solutions to improve both vehicle efficiencies and the use of the road and rail networks, and promoting behaviour change of drivers and passengers to reduce the number and …

    August 5th 2020
  • WITH WEBINAR: EEH launches bold Draft Transport Strategy to underpin green recovery

    A bold new strategy enabling the region's transport system to underpin a green recovery from COVID-19 and support sustainable economic growth has been launched today (July 14) for consultation.

    The Draft Transport Strategy has been produced by England's Economic Heartland, the Sub-national Transport Body covering Swindon across to Cambridgeshire, and Northamptonshire down to Hertfordshire.

    A global hub for science and technology businesses, the Heartland is a net contributor to the …

    July 14th 2020
  • BLOG: Making connectivity work for everyone

    Connectivity is central to the way we live our lives; in fact, the modern world thrives on connectivity. It influences our decisions on where we live, the jobs we have and where we socialise. There isn't a day which goes by where we don't all, in some way, connect with others or to the services we need.

    But what do we mean by connectivity? The challenge in defining connectivity is …

    July 7th 2020
  • BLOG: Pandemic must not stop rail progress in its tracks

    By virtue of its location at the core of the country's rail network, spanning six of its most important main lines, the Heartland is perfectly positioned to drive forward a railway resurgence as the means of delivering a green recovery.

    It's an area of national importance for the railway, with our nationally important cities and towns drawing labour from external economies and the region itself acting as a gateway for …

    July 6th 2020
  • BLOG: We must seize opportunity to bake in new travel behaviours

    The COVID19 pandemic has demonstrated our ability, as a nation, to achieve fundamental shifts in travel behaviour at scale and at pace. If the necessity and will is there, then change applied consistently at scale is not only possible but deliverable.

    During this time, the impact on emissions has been significant. UK carbon emissions were down 31% in April when the most stringent of lockdown restrictions were in place.  That's …

    July 6th 2020
  • BLOG: DfT’s decarbonisation strategy takes welcome first step

    The EEH team is supporting colleagues and each other through these challenging times, but we're also not losing focus on global environmental challenges – in particular decarbonising the transport system. 

    Recently the Department for Transport published a report on how it will develop a decarbonisation strategy. We welcome the Sectary of State's vision and the recognition that there will need to be a fundamental change to the way we all …

    April 6th 2020
  • Martin Tugwell Blog: Why 2035 matters in 2020

    The recent announcement by Government to bring forward the ban on selling new petrol and diesel cars is perhaps even more significant than it might appear on first reading.

    From a manufacturer perspective the life-cycle for one of their products is 5-7 years: that's the frequency with which they typically refresh or update their product.  Perhaps more importantly many of the new vehicles joining the road are 'bought' on personal …

    February 25th 2020
  • EEH welcomes public support for A428 Black Cat improvement scheme

    Press release by Highways England

    Proposals to transform one of the East of England's busiest roads have received strong backing from members of the public responding to a recent consultation.

    Highways England is proposing to replace the Black Cat roundabout in Bedfordshire with a new, free-flowing junction and create a new 10-mile dual carriageway linking it to a redesigned Caxton Gibbet junction, replacing the only remaining section of single carriageway …

    February 11th 2020
  • EEH welcomes TWAO announcement

    Today (Tuesday 4 February) the Secretary of State for Transport approved Network Rail’s Transport and Works Act Order application, granting permission for work to begin on the next phase of East West Rail.

    The TWAO grants permission for track and signalling upgrades between Bicester, Bedford, Aylesbury and Milton Keynes, including reinstating a disused section of railway between Bletchley and Claydon Junction, north of Aylesbury Vale Parkway.

    Mayor Dave Hodgson, Chair …

    February 11th 2020