Latest News and Events

  • ANTONY SWIFT BLOG: CIHT gets it - diversity key to meeting challenges of deeply uncertain future

    Last week I attended the Chartered Institute of Highways and Transportation's very first Young Professional's Conference in Leeds.

    After grappling with Leeds' sub-zero weather conditions on the walk to the conference, (insert joke about being southern here) I was soon thawing from the energy that greeted me in the foyer. The patter and buzz generated by the cohort of younger transport professionals reassured me I was amongst friends and likeminded …

    November 21st 2018
  • ANTONY SWIFT BLOG: Why freight matters to people

    Naively, when I set about authoring Buckinghamshire County Council's Freight Strategy in 2017, I didn't expect the subject of hauling goods around in containers and trailers to resonate with people… how wrong I was.

    In total, more than 1,000 people engaged in the development of the strategy. To put this in context, the online survey I setup to collect feedback on the document itself received more responses than the total …

    November 1st 2018
  • Major new study will examine freight in growth corridor

    The freight and logistics needs of businesses in and around the Oxford-Milton Keynes-Cambridge growth corridor will be the focus of a major new study commissioned by England's Economic Heartland.

    The study will examine freight's impact on road and rail corridors both now and in the future. Pinch-points which may benefit from investment will be identified along with a range of other considerations.

    Its findings, recommending measures to capitalise on short …

    October 23rd 2018
  • EEH signs ground-breaking MOU with infrastructure giants

    Six private sector infrastructure giants have signed a ground-breaking agreement aimed at realising the economic potential in and around the Oxford-Milton Keynes-Cambridge growth corridor.

    The Memorandum Of Understanding has been signed with England's Economic Heartland (EEH) – an alliance of local transport authorities and LEPs stretching from Swindon across to Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire down to Hertfordshire. It provides the region's voice on strategic infrastructure and services, and is an emerging …

    October 23rd 2018
  • MARTIN TUGWELL BLOG: Giving the private sector the confidence to invest in growth corridor

    One year on from the National Infrastructure Commission's final report, what is it that England's Economic Heartland is looking for from this year's Budget?

    My time dealing with planning applications in the past has taught me that private sector investors are looking for confidence before making a decision. Time and again the call I've heard is for clarity on the ambition and certainty that planned investment in infrastructure and services …

    October 23rd 2018
  • Government urged to ‘seize the moment’ at upcoming Budget with funding for growth corridor infrastructure

    The Government must 'seize the moment' at the upcoming Budget and demonstrate its commitment the Oxford-Milton Keynes-Cambridge growth corridor with hard cash for infrastructure, according to England's Economic Heartland.

    Mayor Dave Hodgson, chair of EEH's Strategic Transport Forum, said the region was at a pivotal moment in its history and the Budget is seen as a litmus test for Government's commitment to invest in the transport schemes required to support …

    October 16th 2018
  • Former BEIS assistant director joins England's Economic Heartland

    A former assistant director at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has joined England's Economic Heartland as its head of technical programme.

    Naomi Green's CV also includes roles at the Department for Transport, including as housing growth manager and head of cycling policy. Prior to this she worked for legal giant Bircham Dyson Bell as a public affairs consultant.

    Amongst her chief responsibilities, Naomi will oversee England's Economic …

    September 26th 2018
  • ‘Call for Action’ to speed up infrastructure delivery in growth corridor

    A 'call to action' for Government to accelerate delivery of infrastructure in the Oxford-Milton Keynes-Cambridge growth corridor has been unveiled by England's Economic Heartland.

    The five 'asks', published ahead of the Autumn Budget, would accelerate delivery of strategic infrastructure to support growth, while giving confidence to residents and investors that schemes will be built on time and to budget.

    Government is asked to:

    • Commit to developing a geographically-specific National Policy …
    September 20th 2018
  • Statement following announcement on expressway preferred corridor

    Today (September 12), Government announced its preferred corridor for the Oxford to Cambridge expressway section between Oxford and Milton Keynes. This is Corridor B, close to the East West Rail link:

    Giving his reaction, Mayor Dave Hodgson, chairman of England's Economic Heartland's Strategic Transport Forum, said: "We welcome this announcement by Government, as it provides the basis for moving forward with more detailed proposals and begins to give clarity …

    September 12th 2018
  • Partnership with Transport Systems Catapult puts innovation at heart of growth corridor

    England’s Economic Heartland (EEH) and Transport Sytems Catapult have signed an agreement to deliver innovative transport infrastructure for the region.

    The programme of activities will help to deliver economic potential identified by the National Infrastructure Commission and set as a national priority by the Government. The economy in the area is set to double or even triple by 2050.

    The agreement will focus on the use of data, consolidating member …

    September 12th 2018